Plant Medicine Retreat

3 Night Retreat /// 15th – 18th of August 2024

Area Linz / Austria
with the Shipibo Maestro Inkanima and the curanderos Sanken Tsoma and Metsa Yaka

We welcome you to our transformative Plant Medicine 3 Night Retreat at a beautiful and uniquely designed seminar place, around 30 minutes south of Linz.

Together with our teacher Inkanima we will share the sacred Plant Medicine from the Peruvian Amazon.
During these 4 days we will hold 3 Plant Medicine Ceremonies in Shipibo Tradition.

In these Plant Ceremonies you are connecting with sacred healing plants from the Peruvian Amanzon. By drinking the sacred and powerful medicine you enter the worlds of the Master Plants, which enable you to work on a deeper level of consciousness and experience profound healing, clearing and transformation on a physical, psychological, emotional, energetical and spiritual level. It is aswell about the transformation of old patterns and removing of blockages.

The medicine opens you up to your inner truth and connects you to the understanding and blessings of life.
Through the integration of the teachings and the wisdom of the plants, this can be the starting point to change your life and live it in full potential.

You will have the possibility to drink the Plant Medicine, but it´s not a have to. You can as well participate in ceremony without drinking the medicine. The work still will be done.

Content & Schedule

The 3 Night Retreats are an combination of

  • 3 sacred plant ceremonies according to the Shipibo-Conibo tradition
  • Rapé rituals and Sananga sharings
  • individual treatments during the ceremonies like shamanic massages and taking out of heavy energies if needed
  • guided meditations


    • Thursday – 1st Plant Medicine ceremony at night
    • Friday – 2nd Plant Medicine ceremony at night
    • Saturday – 3rd Plant Medicine ceremony at night
    • Sunday – sharing and departure day

    Arival & departure time

    • arrival is on your first retreat day between 5 pm and 7 pm
    • departure at the end of the retreat is between 1 pm and 2 pm, after we finished with the Sunday programm  – try to plan your departure not before 2 pm if possible
    The Team

    You are welcome to enter this sacred and transformational space and be guided and whole heartly supported by the Shipibo Maestro Inkanima and his apprentices the curanderos Sanken Tsoma & Metsa Yaka who willlead the ceremonies together (for more info, click on the names).


    Inkanima (Sergio) is a traditional healer of the Shipibo-Conibo tribe, living near Pucallpa in the Amazon rainforest of Peru. He is 38 years old and comes from a strong Shipibo lineage, the Inkanima-Lineage. Inkanima’s grandfather “Abuelo Inkanima” attained the highest level of mastership called Moraya, awakened master, immortal teacher, with high degree of wisdom and powers and he was also a very powerful healer (Onaya). He was one of the highest and most respected healer in Paoyhan, a Shipibo community in the Ucayali River. After Inkanima senior left his physical body, he transmitted his healing energy and his medicine name “Inkanima” to his grandson. His grandparents “Abuelo Inkanima” and “Abuela Ronin Wesna” still lead Inkanima and the lineage from the non-physical world. A lineage full of wisdom and unconditional love, like Inkanima. Sergio has been working regularly in Europe since 2016, which means he already has a lot of experience with European clients and the topics which Europen clients bring to his ceremonies.

    Sanken Tsoma

    Sanken Tsoma has been working intensively with sacred plant medicines in a shamanic approach for 11 years. While studying energy work and various master plants in Master Plant Dietas, he was initiated into this type of work by maestros of the Shipibo and Inca traditions and he is an initiate of the Inkanima lineage, a lineage of plant medicine curanderos of the Shipibo tradition.
    His focus is on inner healing, personal and spiritual growth, expansion, and inner and outer transformation and he dedcated this life to be in service of humanity.

    Sanken Tsoma is co-founder, along with Metsa Yaka, of the non-profit organization Visiones Asociación and the Spanish-based holistic healing center Cinco Lunas.

    Metsa Yaka

    With a strong intuition, Metsa Yaka is holding a space of presence, clarity, love & allowance. She supports people to become present, to reconnect to themselves and their intuiton.

    As a translator for the Horse, Animal and Plant World she has a deeper understanding for our teachings we receive and the holistic picture.

    Metsa Yaka is Founder of Medicina Feminina, Rao Caballo and Co-Founder of the non-profit organisation Visiones and the retreat center for holistic healing Cinco Lunas.

    Daniela & Max

    Taj Devjoti Kaur

    The Kundalini Yoga Teacher Taj Devjoti Kaur will be there for you during the retreat and assisting with any organizational matters.

    The Venue

    Click on the picture to see more….

    The retreat will be held at a very special seminar place in Upper Austria, located 50 km south of Linz and 200 km west of Vienna.
    In an inspiring environment and with newly created beautiful architecture, the sustainable and ecological seminar center is a place that promotes physical, mental and spiritual development. A place to arrive in the middle and to come back to balance.
    Accommodation & board


    We can offer different room categories.

      • Appartments (as single or double rooms)
      • Tiny Houses and deluxe single rooms
      • Standard single rooms
      • Group sleeping room

    If you would like to stay at the venue a little longer after the retreat, it is possible to book additional nights upon request.


    You will be nurished with delicious vegan food adapted to the preparatory diet for the Plant Medicine ceremonies.
    If you have any food intilerances or a special diet, please let us know in advance.

    Prices & Booking Options

    (More room photos of the individual rooms you will find in the accommodation galery above.)

    Group Sleeping Room

    Full 3 Night Retreat

    incl. accommodation in a
    Group Sleeping  Room
    – the low budget option –


    – few places left –

    sleep on a mattress in the group sleeping room

    Standard Single Rooms

    Full 3 Night Retreat

    incl. accommodation in a
    Single Room
    – the comfort option –

    Room Uno

    – already booked –

    your standard single room in the neighboring building

    Full 3 Night Retreat

    incl. accommodation in a
    Single Room
    – the comfort option –

    Room Duo

    – already booked –

    your standard single room in the neighboring building

    Full 3 Night Retreat

    incl. accommodation in a
    Private Wooden Hut
    – separate wooden house  –

    Summer House

    – already booked –

    your private space in a cozy wooden hut

    Tiny Houses & Deluxe Single Rooms

    Full 3 Night Retreat

    incl. accommodation in a
    Deluxe Single Room
    with private terrace –

    Room Parquet

    – already booked –

    your private space in beautiful atmosphere

    Full 3 Night Retreat

    incl. accommodation in a
    Private Tiny House
    – with private terrace

    Tiny House Uni

    – already booked –

    your private space in a cosy tiny house

    Full 3 Night Retreat

    incl. accommodation in a
    Deluxe Single Room
    with private terrace –

    Room Maple Tree

    – already booked –

    your private space in beautiful atmosphere

    Full 3 Night Retreat

    incl. accommodation in a
    Private Tiny House
    – with private terrace

    Tiny House Grey

    – already booked –

    your private space in a cosy tiny house

    Full 3 Night Retreat

    incl. accommodation in a
    Private Tiny House
    – with private terrace

    Tiny House Diamant

    – already booked –

    your private space in a cosy tiny house

    Full 3 Night Retreat

    incl. accommodation in a
    Private Tiny House
    – with private terrace

    Tiny House Stripe

    – already booked –

    your private space in a cosy tiny house

    Full 3 Night Retreat

    incl. accommodation in a
    Private Tiny House
    – with private terrace

    Tiny House Cube

    – already booked –

    your private space in a cosy tiny house

    Double Room Aparments

    Full 3 Night Retreat

    incl. accommodation in a
    Double Room Apartment
    with living room & kitchen –

    Apartment Oak

    – already booked –

    available for double bookings of couples, family, friends

    Full 3 Night Retreat

    incl. accommodation in a
    Double Room Apartment
    with living room & kitchen –

    Apartment above Dome

    – already booked –

    available for double bookings of couples, family, friends

    Full 3 Night Retreat

    incl. accommodation in a
    Double Room Apartment
    with living room & kitchen –

    Apartment Mini Dome

    – already booked –

    available for double bookings of couples, family, friends

    Single Room Aparments

    Full 3 Night Retreat

    incl. accommodation in a
    Single Room Apartment
    with living room & kitchen –

    Apartment Oak

    – already booked –

    spacious apartment for your maximum comfort

    Full 3 Night Retreat

    incl. accommodation in a
    Single Room Apartment
    with living room & kitchen –

    Apartment above Dome

    – already booked –  

    spacious apartment for your maximum comfort

    Full 3 Night Retreat

    incl. accommodation in a
    Single Room Apartment
    with living room & kitchen –

    Apartment Mini Dome

    – already booked –

    unique apartment in the mini healing dome

    The prices are per person and include vegan diet food and accommodation.
    All beds have complete bed linen and the rooms have towels.

    Price breakdown:

    € 940,- Retreat fee
    + € 270,- accommodation in a group sleeping room & meals
    + € 420,- accommodation in a double room apartment & meals
    + € 375,- accommodation in a standard single room or wooden hut & meals
    + € 440,- accommodation in a deluxe single room or tiny house & meals
    + € 585,- accommodation in a single room apartment & meals

    The payment information can be found on our registration form by clicking on the “Sign-in” button below.
    The retreat is a closed retreat, which means that participation is only possible for the entire retreat. Individual ceremonies are not available at this time. Shortened retreat participation only on request with a waiting list and only possible if there are still places available shortly before the retreat.

    Preparation Diet & Packing List

    Preparation Diet

    It is highly recommended (partly necessary) to make a special preparation diet before, during and after the retreat, to prepare you physically and mental for the retreat. This diet includes following topics:

    Please abstain two weeks before and after the retreat from:

    • pork and red meat

    Please abstain one week before and after the retreat from:

    • salt, spices, garlic, onion and sugar
    • dairy products
    • citrus and sour fruits (like lemons, oranges, mandarins, pineapple, kiwi, passion fruit, sour bears)
    • oil and fat (including avocados and nuts)
    • pills, medications, caffeine, alcohol and drugs of any kind (waiver urgently necessary!)
    • sexual activities
    • violent or aggressive movies or video games

    Detailed information you will receive after your registration.

    Medical guidelines

    First priority is the safety and health of the participants.
    To ensure this you have to fill out a questionnaire with questions about your mental and physical health as well as any medication to be taken.
    In some cases with particular health conditions or specific medications it is not possible to to intake the plant medicine. Medications that are not compatible with the plant medicine has to be discontinued in advance and in consultation with a doctor (the required period depends on the particular preparation).
    In case you take medications we will inform you after your registration about the compatibility of your medication.
    It is as well possible to participate in the retreat without taking the plant medicine. The work still will be done.

    Packing list

    • a pillow and a blanket or a sleeping-bag for the ceremonies
    • a mattress or mat (like a yoga mat or camping mattress) for the ceremonies
    • maybe a notebook and pens if you want to write down something
    • a small flashlight or headlamp (the ceremonies take place in total darkness and it may be useful to go to the toilet)
    • comfortable clothes and thick socks
    • if you want, music instruments


    Research Study & Membership

    All our retreats and ceremonies serve as research studies in order to explore and evaluate the positive effect of the used plants and practices as holistic healing techniques. 

    Our aim is to support the holistic healing of body mind and soul with alternative practices, to promote a balance in life and to support an alternative healthy lifestyle that is in harmony with our nature.
    As well we support with our research studies indigenous projects.

    Our retreats, ceremonies and individual treatments do not replace any medical treatment.

    To participate in our retreats / research studies, it is necessary to become a member of our association.
    For this we also offer a free short-term membership. You can select your membership type later in the registration form.

    Sign in

    To sign in for our Plant Medicine Retreat please use the ‘Sign in’ button:
    Inkanima European Summer Tour 2024

    This retreat is part of our Inkanima Summer Tour 2024.
    Go back to our tour page to see all retreats.