Summer Tour 2024Inkanima
Europe Summer Tour 2024
with the Shipibo Maestro Inkanima,
the curanderos Sanken Tsoma & Metsa Yaka,
Kundalini Yoga Teacher Taj Devjoti Kaur
and the sacred Plant Medicine from the Amazon
(For more infos and prices click on the retreats.)
27/05 – 24/06/2024 1-Month Master Plant Dieta Spain (Sierra de Grazalema)
canceled – tour postponed for 2 weeks
27/05 – 10/06/2024 11-Day Master Plant Dieta Spain (Sierra de Grazalema)
canceled – tour postponed for 2 weeks
10/06 – 24/06/2024 11-Day Master Plant Dieta Spain (Sierra de Grazalema)
fully booked
04/07 – 07/07/2024 3-Night Shipibo Ceremony Retreat Spain (Sierra de Grazalema)
only few spots left
18/07 – 21/07/2024 3-Night Shipibo Ceremony Retreat Estonia (Viljandi County)
only few spots left
06/08 – 10/08/2024 5-Day Integrative Plant Medicine Retreat Germany (area Munich)
only few spots left
15/08 – 18/08/2024 3-Night Shipibo Ceremony Retreat Austria (Area Linz)
fully booked
29/08 – 01/09/2024 3-Night Shipibo Ceremony Retreat Spain (Sierra de Grazalema)
still spots available
We are very excited to announce our Inkanima Summer Tour 2024. Also this year we have found very special and beautiful retreat locations in Europe to offer you high quality retreats with a high standard for a unique atmosphere in our retreats.
Inkanima & the Team
Inkanima (Sergio) is a traditional healer of the Shipibo-Conibo tribe, living near Pucallpa in the Amazon rainforest of Peru. He is 38 years old and comes from a strong Shipibo lineage, the Inkanima-Lineage. Inkanima’s grandfather “Abuelo Inkanima” attained the highest level of mastership called Moraya, awakened master, immortal teacher, with high degree of wisdom and powers and he was also a very powerful healer (Onaya). He was one of the highest and most respected healer in Paoyhan, a Shipibo community in the Ucayali River. After Inkanima senior left his physical body, he transmitted his healing energy and his medicine name “Inkanima” to his grandson. His grandparents “Abuelo Inkanima” and “Abuela Ronin Wesna” still lead Inkanima and the lineage from the non-physical world. A lineage full of wisdom and unconditional love, like Inkanima.
Sergio has been working regularly in Europe since 2016, which means he already has a lot of experience with European clients and the topics which Europen clients bring to his ceremonies.
During the retreats, Inkanima is assisted by his students and curanderos Sanken Tsoma & Metsa Yaka and the Kundalini Yoga teacher Taj Devjoti Kaur.
11 Day & 1 Month Master Plant Dieta
Sierra de Grazalema / Andalusia / Spain
27/05 – 24/06/2024 (1 Month Dieta)
27/05 – 10/06/2024 (11 Day Dieta)
10/06 – 24/06/2024 (11 Day Dieta)
Master Plant Dietas with sacred teacher plants from the Peruvian Amazon at a beautiful place in a beautiful retreat place in the Sierra de Grazalema in Andalusia (110 km in the south of Seville / 140 km west of Málaga).
A “dieta” is a journey into the plant kingdom to receive healing, deep teachings and energies directly from the plants, as well it is a journey to your true inner self. By going into a dieta with a plant you are commit yourself to bond a close relationship with this spirit.
To go on a dieta means to focus on your very own inner world and to stay away from the distractions from the outside too. This all is necessary to help the planted “seed” grow inside of you and build up an good relationship with the plant spirit.
During the 11 day dietas we will come together in 4 traditional Shipibo Plant Medicine ceremonies or in 8 ceremonies during the one month dieta.
All Shipibo Ceremony Retreats & Prices
Choose your Plant Medicine Retreat
July till August
Spain / Estonia / Germany / Austria
For more info and prices choose your retreat and click the button.

3 Night Retreat Spain (Andalusia)
04/07 – 07/07/2024
Magical retreat oasis with beautiful garden situated on a river in the Sierra de Grazalema near the white village of Zahara de la Sierra.
3 Night Retreat Estonia (Viljandi County)
18/07 – 21/07/2024
Beautiful venue located in the beautiful Estonian nature in Viljandi County
5 Day Retreat Germany (Area Munich)
06/08 – 10/08/2024
Amazing ceremony temple at a strong energy place, around 60 km in the east of Munich.

3 Night Retreat Austria (Area Linz)
15/08 – 18/08/2024

3 Night Retreat Spain (Andalusia)
29/08 – 01/09/2024
Magical retreat oasis with beautiful garden situated on a river in the Sierra de Grazalema near the white village of Zahara de la Sierra.
In these Shipibo Tradition Plant Medicine Ceremonies you are connecting with sacred healing plants from the Peruvian Amanzon. By drinking the sacred and powerful medicine you enter the worlds of the Master Plants, which enable you to work on a deeper level of consciousness and experience profound healing, clearing and transformation on a physical, psychological, emotional, energetical and spiritual level. It is aswell about the transformation of old patterns and removing of blockages.
The medicine opens you up to your inner truth and connects you to the understanding and blessings of life.
Through the integration of the teachings and the wisdom of the plants, this can be the starting point to change your life and live it in full potential.
You will have the possibility to drink the Plant Medicine, but it´s not a have to. You can as well participate in ceremony without drinking the medicine. The work still will be done.
During our Summer tour we are offering two different kind of retreat types.
5-Day Integrative Plant Medicine Retreats and 3-Night Shipibo Ceremony Retreats.
The 5-Day Integrative Plant Medicine Retreats are an combination of:
- 3 sacred plant ceremonies according to the Shipibo-Conibo tradition
- 1 Cacao & Breathwork Ceremony which is a very powerful combination
- Rapé and Sananga sharings for cleansing, aligning and centring awareness
- 1 extra day with integration and process work
- Kundalini Yoga classes
- guided meditations
- individual treatments during the ceremonies like shamanic massages to clean out heavy energies if needed
- comprehensive care by the team Inkanima
The 3 Night Shipibo Ceremony Retreats are an combination of:
- 3 sacred plant ceremonies according to the Shipibo-Conibo tradition
- Rapé and Sananga sharings for cleansing, aligning and centring awareness
- guided meditations
- individual treatments during the ceremonies like shamanic massages to clean out heavy energies if needed
- comprehensive care by the team Inkanima
Each retreat is an cycle closed in itself. It is recommended to participate the whole retreat.
This way the work is as effectively as possible and you can go deeper in your personal processes to intense your healing process and also to evolve and expand a strong group process. A complete retreat cycle process brings to all participants the highest possible benefit.
If you are not able to participate the full retreat, we offer you a shortened retreat participation.
Inkanima – Icaro to connect with the Plants
* Film by Roman Zindel
Research Study Information
All our retreats and ceremonies serve as research studies in order to explore and evaluate the positive effect of the used plants and practices as holistic healing techniques.
Our aim is to support the holistic healing of body mind and soul with alternative practices, to promote a balance in life and to support an alternative healthy lifestyle that is in harmony with our nature.
As well we support with our research studies indigenous projects.
Our retreats, ceremonies and individual treatments do not replace any medical treatment.
To participate in our retreats / research studies, it is necessary to become a member of our association.
For this we also offer a free short-term membership. You can select your membership type later in the registration form.
See you soon…