– Medicina Feminina – Soul Purpose –

Integrative Plant & Horse Medicine Retreat Andalusia

8 Day Women’s Retreat
5th – 13th of October 2024
Natural Park Sierra de Grazalema in Andalusia, Spain

When conscious women come together – their Medicine begins to flow and beautiful things are going to unfold.

We cordially invite you to our Women’s Medicine Retreat in the beautiful nature of Andalusia – with the intention to reconnect with your soul purpose and to embody your potential.

Are you feeling that it is now about clearing and healing what is still in your way in order to bring your gifts into the world?

Maybe you are still looking for your soul’s purpose in this life – for your fulfillment?

Maybe you are already on your heart’s path and realize it is time for your next development step?

Would you like to reconnect deeply with yourself and your intuition to actively create your life the way you want?

If you´re feeling the call within, you are welcome with all our hearts to go on this intense and transformative journey with us.
What you need to bring with you, is the willingness to confront you with yourself and the commitmentt to dive through your shadows to discover your gold.

The unique and challenging quality of time we find ourselves in right now, calls on us more than ever to reconnect deeply with ourselves, to listen to our soul and live our highest potential. To courageously find and walk our path of the heart and thereby create a life of joy and fulfillment.

This retreat was created for all those women, who feel that this is exactly what is important for them right now.

Who are ready to heal themselves, step into their authentic strength and take their place in this world.

Because this is what the world needs now more than ever!

What awaits you is a protected, conscious, loving space in which you can let go of everything that no longer serves you, bring into healing what is still hurting in you in order to gain clarity and connection.

Together we´ll dive into the world of powerful Teacher Plants, which supports us on our healing journey with their high consciousness, light, love and purification abilities.

We´ll be accompanied by amazing & wise Horse Spirits, who guide us in our process with their compassionate Medicine and we’ll have the chance to connect deeply with ourself and with Spirit in Shamanic Drumming Journeys.

Different elements of Process & Integration work will help you to put the experienced into context and embody it.

Let nature speak to you, recognize yourself in the mirror of the others and let us become quiet in order to listen and understand and become loud in order to free ourselves.

We are looking forward to have you with us to share a profound and amazing time together!

With love…    Metsa Yaka, Selva & Sabina 

Our Work & Program

* painted by Geenss Archenti Flores

Plant Medicine Ceremony

In these Plant Ceremonies you are connecting with powerful Spirits of the sacred healing plants from the Peruvian Amanzon.

By drinking the sacred and powerful Medicine you enter the worlds of the Master Plants, which enable you to work on a higher level of consciousness and experience profound healing, purification and transformation on a physical, psychological, emotional, energetical and spiritual level.

This potent Medicine can heal traumata, transform old patterns and removes blockages from – not only this lifetime – in a profound way.

The Plant Spirits are opening you up to your inner truth, connecting you to your higher self, a deeper understanding and the blessings of life.

Through the integration of the teachings and the wisdom of the Plants, this can be the starting point to change your life and live it in full potential.

It is also possible to take part in the ceremonies without drinking the medicine.


Cacao Medicine & Breathwork

Cacao Ceremonies are originated all the way back to Mayan and Aztec traditions in Central and South America. The spirit of Cacao – also called Mama Cacao – was worked with in spiritual ceremonies to open up the heart, to bring clarity, inner harmony and to connect to ones creativity.

The heart opening Medicine can unlock euphoric states, release emotions and enabels you to connect to our Higher Self, our wisdom within, the loving energy in our body and will also calm the mind. Cacao has been used for centuries to heal the mental, physical and spiritual body.

Through Conscious Connected Breathing, we can overcome the barriers of the mind and increase the oxygen supply in the brain and in the entire bloodstream. The neuralogical network is stimulated and hormones are released, among others, Anandamides – also known as the “Bliss Hormone”.

From a state of connection, emotions, stress and anxiety can be released, our own awareness and creativity are increased and we come into a feeling of inner peace, love and compassion. Our deeper truth can be revealed.

The Medicine of Cacao and the Medicine of our own Breath is an incredibly powerful combination, allowing us to delve deeply into our process.

“Our breathing is the direct connection to pure consciousness.”

* painted by Geenss Archenti Flores

Rapé & Sananga Ceremony

Rapé (pronounced Hapee) is a sacred and powerful plant medicine with deep healing, purifying and centering qualities which has been used for centuries by Brazilian indigenous tribes such as the Huni Kuin, Yawanawa and Nukini.

The Rapé is a powdered mixture made from finely ground Mapacho tobacco and ingredients or ash from various medicinal plants and it´s blown into the nose through a bamboo tube (Tepi). It cleans physically & energetically, it heals, opens the heart, centers the mind, clears the consciousness and cleans the pineal gland. Rapé is very good to focus and to maintain better concentration during meditation.
The Rapé ceremony which is held by Sanken Tsoma is divided into three Rapé sharings with three different themes:
Spirit/mind – body – heart

In the last part of the ceremony the eye drops medicine Sananga is shared. Sananga, the so called “Queen of the forest“ is also a very powerful medicine made from the root and bark of the Tabernaemontana undulate shrub. Dripped into the eyes, which are the windows of the soul, it can thus heal on the physical as well as on the spiritual level.

Horse Medicine

When we consciously enter the field of Horses, something amazing happens to us…

Their presence allows us to become present with us in the here and now and to find a deep connection with ourselves. The mirror of Horses allows us to face our emotions and recognize and resolve our own issues and blockages.
Horses have a compassionate commitment to help us realize who we really are and grow into our potential.

They accompany us into the otherworlds and guide us to the natural wisdom of the body awareness. 

The Horse stands for the inner and outer freedom and act as the guardian of our Heart Path.

Process and Integration Work

The Integration is the most important element to embody and manifest what you have experienced in your daily life.
Integration happens when experiences you made on an energetical, emotional and physical level, are brought into consciousness.

We will compliment your process with different tools and exercises to enable you to accomplish your process with self empowerment. Breathwork, Trauma Work, Body Work, Shadow Work, Emotional Release, Inner Child Work, Inquiry Work are a few elements which we incorporate intuitively.

Transformative Shamanic Drumming Journey

A powerful method for self-discovery, healing, and spiritual growth.

Shamanic journeying is a time-honored practice originating from indigenous cultures around the world. For thousands of years, shamans have used rhythmic drumming to enter altered states of consciousness, allowing them to connect with the spirit world for guidance, healing, and insight. This practice is a bridge to the extraordinary, where profound wisdom and healing await.

The Journey is led by the steady beat of a drum, echoing the heartbeat of the Earth and our own heart. This rhythm guides us into a state of deep relaxation and heightened awareness, opening the door to the mystical realms.

In these magical realms, you will meet your guardian spirit, spirit animals, wise ancestors, healers and teachers offering wisdom, protection, and healing.

These encounters can provide deep insights and answers to your most profound questions.

Content & Schedule

The 8 day Retreat is an combination of:

  • 3 Traditional Plant Medicine Ceremonies according to the Shipibo-Conibo tradition held b Metsa Yaka
  • 1 Horse Medicine Ceremony with Cacao held by Metsa Yaka
  • 1 Rapé & Sananga Ceremony held by Sanken Tsoma
  • 3 Transformative Shamanic Drumming Journeys held by Selva
  • River Purification Ritual held by Sabina
  • Process & Integration Work (including elements from trauma healing, body work, shadow work, inner child work, …) 

There will be delicious organic vegan food (adapted to the preparatory diet for the Plant Medicine Ceremonies) prepared with love by Sabina.


  • Saturday – Arrival Day, Rapé & Sananga Ceremony
  • Sunday –  1st Plant Medicine Ceremony in Shipibo tradition
  • Monday – Process and Integration work, 2nd Plant Medicine Ceremony in Shipibo tradition
  • Tuesday – Shamanic Drumming Introduction/Initiation Journey, Process and Integration work
  • Wednesday – Shamanic Drumming Root Healing Journey, Integration Time
  • Thursday – Horse Medicine Ceremony with Cacao, Shamanic Drumming Soul Purpose Journey
  • Friday – Integration Time, 3rd Plant Medicine Ceremony in Shipibo tradition
  • Saturday – River Ritual, Integration, Celebration, Closing
  • Sunday – Departure

Arival & Departure time:

  • arrival is on Saturday, 5th of October throughout the day until latest 6 pm
  • departure is on Sunday, 13th of October

You are also welcome to stay one or a few days  longer before or after the retreat at Cinco Lunas.

Prices on request.

About us

The Retreat will be led by Metsa Yaka. She is supported by her team Selva, Sabina and Sanken Tsoma. Together they will share their Medicine with you and support you in your process and care for your well-being during the Retreat.

Metsa Yaka

Metsa Yaka

With a strong intuition, Metsa Yaka is holding a space of presence, clarity, love & allowance. She supports people to become present, to reconnect to themselves and their intuiton. As a translator for the Horse, Animal and Plant World she has a deeper understanding for our teachings we receive and the holistic picture.

more infos here


For over 25 years, Selva has been a guide on the path of self-awareness and personal development. As a breath and meditation trainer, transformation, life and soul coach, shamanic consultant and medicine woman, she brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her work.

She has traveled the world, learning from teachers and masters in India, Poland, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, and South America. She has also studied at both traditional and alternative institutions, gaining a deep understanding of various healing modalities. Her practical experience includes facilitating group workshops, women circles, music circles, rituals and healing ceremonies,  sweat lodge ceremonies, vision quest and individual sessions.

She holds a degree in cultural anthropology, where her passion for shamanic traditions began. Furthering her education, she completed postgraduate studies in Process Psychology and a shamanic school under the guidance of Arvick Baghramian and Daan Van Kampenhout.

Her approach helps individuals reconnect with lost powers and visions, awaken their inner potential, establish a deep connection with their soul and spiritual guides. She supports people on their journey of transformation, healing, and achieving personal wholeness.


Sabina is consider herself a free spirit and she feels at home in the world, in nature and with the animals.
Early in her life, which was marked by pain, she began her journey of healing, seeking peace and tranquility. Along this path, she found a connection to something greater.
She has a deep bond with her intuition and receive insights about connections and how certain things can unfold. The language of light entered her life a year ago, long after she had a connection to it as a child to find solace.
Now, she looks forward to learning and allowing herself to share this gift with the world in the future.

Sanken Tsoma

Sanken Tsoma has been working intensively with sacred plant medicines in a shamanic approach for 11 years. While studying energy work and various master plants in Master Plant Dietas, he was initiated into this type of work by maestros of the Shipibo and Inca traditions. His focus is always on inner healing, personal and spiritual growth, expansion, and inner and outer transformation. His goal is to transform himself from within and through this to be able to create a safe space for people and to support them on their personal healing journey.
At this women’s retreat, Sanken Tsoma share his Rapé medicine at the opening ceremony.

more infos here

The Venue
The retreat will be held at a magical venue in the area of the Sierra de Grazalema, which is located between Seville, Málaga and Jerez de la Frontera. This magical hidden oasis with its charming, playful Andalusian country house and the lush green garden amidst the Andalusian dry vegetation is located on a fresh river and surrounded by babbling water canals.
In the lovingly designed and furnished house you will be accommodated in one of the two shared two bed rooms, in a double room (for couples) or in a glamping bell tent, The nightly ceremonies will take place in our ceremony dome.
We are still in the process of preparing the location, so the rooms will look a little different than in the current pictures and the dome is not there yet, but will be set up for in April. The photo of the dome on this page is an example photo.
Accommodation & board


We can offer different room options.

    • one double room for couples, family, friends (with 1,50 m double bed) with own bathroom in the room
    • or this room as a single room (with 1,50 m double bed) with own bathroom in the room
    • a single room (with 1,40 m double bed) with shared bathroom 
    • a shared twin room (with two separate beds) with shared bathroom
    • a shared group sleeping room for 4 persons with shared bathroom
    • two glamping bell tents next to the river with single occupancy

If you would like to stay at the venue a little longer before or after the retreat, it is possible to book additional nights upon request.


You will be nurished with delicious vegan food adapted to the preparatory diet for the Plant Medicine ceremonies.
If you have any food intilerances or a special diet, please let us know in advance.

Preparation & Packing List

Preparation Diet

It is highly recommended (partly necessary) to make a special preparation diet before, during and after the retreat, to prepare you physically and mental for the retreat. This diet includes following topics:

Please abstain two weeks before and after the retreat from:

  • pork and red meat

Please abstain one week before and after the retreat from:

  • salt, spices, garlic, onion and sugar
  • dairy products
  • citrus and sour fruits (like lemons, oranges, mandarins, pineapple, kiwi, passion fruit, sour bears)
  • oil and fat (including avocados and nuts)
  • pills, medications, caffeine, alcohol and drugs of any kind (waiver urgently necessary!)
  • sexual activities
  • violent or aggressive movies or video games

Detailed information you will receive after your registration.

Medical guidelines

First priority is the safety and health of the participants.
To ensure this you have to fill out a questionnaire with questions about your mental and physical health as well as any medication to be taken.
In some cases with particular health conditions or specific medications it is not possible to to intake the plant medicine. Medications that are not compatible with the plant medicine has to be discontinued in advance and in consultation with a doctor (the required period depends on the particular preparation).
In case you take medications we will inform you after your registration about the compatibility of your medication.
It is as well possible to participate in the retreat without taking the plant medicine. The work still will be done.

Packing list

  • a warm blanket and a pillow or a warm sleeping-bag for the ceremonies
  • maybe a notebook and pens if you want to write something down
  • a small flashlight or headlamp (for the ceremonies)
  • comfortable and warm clothing, thick socks (it can be a bit cold at night at this time of year) 
  • if you sleep in one of the glamping bell tents, bring a long sleeping suit, it can be a bit chilly at night this time of the year
  • light sneakers, barefoot shoes or neoprene shoes (which can get wet) and swimwear (if you need) for the water purification ritual
  • if you want, music instruments



Welcome to the Sierra de Grazalema


  • Seville (110 km / 1 h 20 min by car)
  • Jerez de la Frontera (90 km / 1 h 10 min by car)
  • Málaga (140 km / 1 h 50 min by car)


From the city of your arrival you can take a bus to Algodonales, where we will pick you up and bring you to our retreat place. The pickup from Algodonales is included.
Note that buses from Seville, Málaga and Jerez sometimes are only available in the morning or noon. If your flight arrives later in the day it might be that you need to take a taxi. Alternatively, you could arrive in Seville (or Málaga/Jerez) a day earlier and spend one night there.

  • From Seville Airport you need to take a bus or a taxi to the Seville Prado San Sebastian bus station or the bus station Plaza de Armas. From there you have a bus connection to Algodonales.  (usually only one bus in the morning at 9 am)
  • From Jerez de la Frontera Airport you need to take a bus or a taxi to the Jerez main bus station. And from there you have a bus connection to Algodonales.
  • From Málaga airport you need to take a bus or a taxi to Málaga bus station. And from there you have to check the bus connection to Algodonales. You may first have to drive from Málaga to Ronda and from there to Algodonales.

You can check your bus conecton here: https://www.checkmybus.com or here: https://www.omio.com/
(please note bus connections are sometimes only shown 2 weeks in advance)


The price of a taxi from Seville airport or Jerez airport to Cinco Lunas is approximately € 120,-. From Málaga it might be a little more expensive.
If several participants arrive at the same airport, it is possible to share a taxi. Please let us know if this would be an interesting option for you, then we can connect participants who are interested in sharing a taxi ride.

Rental car:

You can also rent a car at the airport for more flexibility. The prices for rental cars are usually very affordable if you book early in advance.
You can find the best offers here, for example: https://www.doyouspain.com

Your Self Investment

The retreat can be booked with a one-time payment or with an installment plan in 2 or 3 installments.

8 Day Retreat

incl. accommodation in a
Group Sleeping Room

– still available –

with four separate mattresses and shared bathroom

8 Day Retreat

incl. accommodation in a
Glamping Bell Tent
(with single occupancy)

– still available – 

with single mattress and shared bathroom

8 Day Retreat

incl. accommodation in a
Shared Twin Room

– still available –

with two separate single beds and shared bathroom

8 Day Retreat

incl. accommodation in a
Single Room

– still available –

with single bed and shared bathroom

8 Day Retreat

incl. accommodation in a
Double Room
(for couples, family & friends)

– still available – 

with 1,50m double bed and own bathroom

8 Day Retreat

incl. accommodation in a
Single Room
(with en Suite Bathroom)

– still available – 

with queen size bed and own bathroom

Sign in
To sign in for our 8 Day Intagrative Plant & Horse Medicine Womens Retreat please use the ‘Sign in’ button:
If you have further questions please send us an email to metsayaka@visiones.org
Research Study & Membership

All our retreats and ceremonies serve as research studies in order to explore and evaluate the positive effect of the used plants and practices as holistic healing techniques. 

Our aim is to support the holistic healing of body mind and soul with alternative practices, to promote a balance in life and to support an alternative healthy lifestyle that is in harmony with our nature.
As well we support with our research studies indigenous projects.

Our retreats, ceremonies and individual treatments do not replace any medical treatment.

To participate in our retreats / research studies, it is necessary to become a member of our association.
For this we also offer a free short-term membership. You can select your membership type later in the registration form.