Plant Medicine Home Retreat

– Cacao & Rose Medicine // Love yourself –

4 Weeks /// from January 16 till February 6, 2025
mit Metsa Yaka

This year I invite you to a special journey at the beginning of the year to start the new year consciously and connected with ourselves and to listen to our soul in order to align ourselves with our heart’s visions.

Together we will open up a protected, present space in these 4 weeks to connect with the medicine of Cacao and Rose and, with their support, to strengthen our self-esteem, improve our relationship with ourselves and thus lay a wonderful foundation for the coming year.

In these 4 weeks we will turn to the unseen aspects of ourselves and give them space to be seen, felt and accepted by us so that we can accept ourselves.

Here are a few words about the two spirits we will be working with…

The energy of the rose can connect us with our emotions and support us in feeling and releasing them. It is known to be able to heal a grieving heart – our heart trauma – our emotional wounds and bring back love. Rose medicine can help us to feel forgiveness and inner peace with ourselves and others.

The spirit of cacao – also called Mama Cacao – is a great teacher who is not only able to let us delve deeper into our emotional worlds, but also connects us with our creativity, brings us deeper into relaxation and ignites the fire of our hearts. It will help us to open our hearts to ourselves and to be able to perceive the messages of our soul more clearly and to bring our heart’s visions to life.

Once a week we meet via Zoom for the Cacao Breathwork Ceremony. The combination of the heart-opening medicine of cacao and the transformative medicine of your breath allows you to delve deeper into your individual processes, to connect with your inner self – to let go and to feel.

In our WhatsApp group I share suggestions and inspiration for rituals, energy work, exercises and affirmations, self-love, inner child work, “re-parenting yourself” and shadow work that everyone can incorporate for themselves.

The group is also there for exchanges, for questions and for support.

You will receive a special cocoa mixture and the rose elixir for the entire week with your medicine package. As well as the cocoa for the cocoa breathwork ceremonies and all other utensils that you need for the retreat.

It is possible to intensify this time even further by also following a certain diet, which can enable you to establish a deeper connection to the spirit of cocoa and the rose.

If you are interested, you are welcome to receive further information about this.

If you would like more individual support and want to go deeper into your process, you have the option of booking an additional 1:1 Sacred Space session for €80 instead of €120 as part of the retreat.

What you can bring with you is your inner YES – to confront yourself and to welcome with open arms what wants to be seen and felt.

If you feel the call of the plants and want to consciously celebrate the special time of the new, fresh year for yourself, then I would be delighted to immerse myself in the journey with you.


With love…    Metsa Yaka

The Home Retreat includes…
  • 4 Cacao Breathwork ceremonies with sharing rounds approx. 2,5 hours
  • Your medicine package with ceremonial cacao, rose medicine, Agua de Rose, Sagrada Madre incense bundle and chakra candle
  • Inspirations and suggestions for rituals, energy work and affirmations in our WhatsApp group and by email


Cacao Breathwork ceremonies

Thursday January 16th, 2025 – 7 p.m. – “Opening” ceremony with fire ritual
Thursday January 23rd, 2025 – 7 p.m. – “Foundation of love” ceremony
Thursday January 30th, 2025 – 7 p.m. – “Healing in love” ceremony
Thursday February 6th, 2025 – 7 p.m. – “I love myself” closing ceremony

Our sessions can also be rescheduled if necessary, depending on the possibility and agreement in the group.

Cacao Breathwork Ceremonies

Cacao ceremonies have their origins in the traditions of the Maya and Aztecs in Central and South America. The spirit of cacao – also called Mama Cacao – was used in spiritual ceremonies to open the heart, bring clarity and inner harmony and to connect with one’s own creativity. The heart-opening medicine can release euphoric states, release emotions and allows you to connect with your higher self, your inner wisdom, the loving energy in your body and helps calm the mind. Cacao has been used for centuries to heal the mental, physical and spiritual body.

Through Conscious Connected Breathing, the barriers of the mind can be overcome and the oxygen supply in the brain and the entire bloodstream can be increased. The neurological network is stimulated and hormones are released, including anandamide – also known as the “happiness hormone”. From a state of connection, emotions, stress and fears can be released, our own consciousness and creativity are increased and we come into a feeling of inner peace, love and compassion. Our deeper truth can be revealed.

The medicine of cacao and the medicine of our breath is an incredibly powerful combination and allows us to delve deeply into our process.

“Our breath is the direct connection to pure consciousness.”

Optional Additional Session

Sacred Space – 1:1 Individual Online Session

Together we open up a present, protected space in which you have the opportunity to delve deeper into your inner landscape.

I support you in finding the answers and clarity within yourself by connecting with your inner wisdom and the wisdom of your body.

We explore where blockages and traumas are located, which emotions need to be released, which shadow aspects want to be seen and unravel destructive belief systems and thought structures in order to achieve holistic healing.


Here you can find more information about the Sacred Space Online Session

About Metsa Yaka

For me, as an enthusiastic researcher of inner work, coming from a shamanic approach through working with various master plants, as well as working with horse medicine, the intention is always to explore the root of things in order to heal and transform them.
My work includes elements of energy, body and process work. I let myself be guided and follow my intuition as to what is needed in that moment for your highest well-being.

Here you can find more information about Metsa Yaka

Your Self-Investment

Plant Medicine Home Retreat


4 Cacao Breathwork Sessions
Your medicine package
Support in the WhatsApp group

Thursday January 16, 2025
till Thursday, February 6, 2025

Plant Medicine Home Retreat

& Sacred Space Session

4 Cacao Breathwork Sessions
Your medicine package
Support in the WhatsApp group

+ 1:1 individual online session

Thursday January 16, 2025
till Thursday, February 6, 2025


If you would like to join, please register until January 4th so that your medicine package reaches you in time.
To register, please use the contact form or send me an email to:
Please state which of the two retreat options you have chosen, as well as your full address for shipping.
I look forward to seeing you!

4 + 2 =