Master Plant Dieta Spain

Sierra de Grazalema / Andalusia

Master Plant Dieta 2024

with the Shipibo Maestro Inkanima

Sierra de Grazalema / Andalusia / Spain

11 Day Dieta

May 27 – June 10, 2024
(15 Day Retreat)

  • 11 days of healing or learning dieta with different Master Plants from the Amazon
  • 4 Plant Medicine ceremonies
  • daily plant baths
  • steam bath or purgative if required

ā€“ not available anymore ā€“

1 Month Dieta

May 27 – June 24, 2024
(25 Day Dieta
29 Day Retreat)

  • 25 days of healing or learning dieta with different Master Plants from the Amazon
  • 8 Plant Medicine ceremonies
  • daily plant baths
  • steam bath or purgative if required

– not available anymore –

11 Day Dieta

June 10 – June 24, 2024
(15 Day Retreat)

  • 11 days of healing or learning dieta with different Master Plants from the Amazon
  • 4 Plant Medicine ceremonies
  • daily plant baths
  • steam bath or purgative if required

– not available anymore –

Dear ones, we are excited to invite you to our Master Plant Dieta with the Shipibo Maestro Inkanima in Spain 2024.
In this year we will hold the dieta at our Visiones Retreat place. in the Sierra de Grazalema in Andalusia, Spain.
And we will be offering not just one dietas, but two 11-day dietas with two small groups of 5 people each. Plus this year we also offer the possibility to stay over the whole period and do an intensive 1-month dieta.

Together we will go on a deep inner journey with sacred plants and mighty trees of the Amazon. In these learning or healing dietas, you can immerse yourself in the world of the master plants and learn from them or, together with their support, take a step further on the path to your healing journey.

Under the guidance ofĀ Shipibo Maestro Inkanima, you will connect with the high frequency plant spirits to heal, cleanse, transform and grow.
He will be assisted by the curanderos Sanken Tsoma and Mesta Yaka who will support you from heart.

The Dieta

A ā€œdietaā€ is a journey into the endless realms of the plants to receive healing, purification, deep teachings and energies from these lightful spirits, as well it is a journey to your true inner self.
By going into a dieta with a plant, you are committing yourself to work a close relationship with this spirit.
You will receive the plant medicines oral in form of a brew, made from the wood or the root of specific trees or from the leaves or flowers of specific plants. During the time of the dieta it is very important to keep a special kind of simple but strict diet, in which we avoid salt, fat, sugar, spices, milk products, meat, processed food, alcohol, caffeine, any kind of substances, soap, deodorants and so on. We also have to avoid sexual activities, as well as consumption of experiences for the mind.
To go on a dieta means to focus on your very own inner world and to stay away from outsides distractions. This all is necessary for allowing the planted ā€œseedā€ to grow inside of you and it creates a fertile soil for an good relationship with the plant spirit. Besides we recommend to maintain a good meditation, yoga or similiar spiritual practise, to keep yourself aligned in your process and in the work of the plants. Therefore you will find your own privat, protected space in 3 private rooms and 2 glamping bell tents.

During the 11 day dietas we will come together in 4 traditional Shipibo Plant Medicine ceremonies or in 8 ceremonies during the one month dieta, to enter the realms of the Master Plants and to dive into a deeper level of consciousness, where profound healing and real understanding can happen. The medicine opens us up to wisdom, truth and connects us to the understanding and blessings of life.
Additional we will enjoy daily plant baths. On the first day, Inkanima usually gives us plants or seeds as purgatives and, on individual requirements, he might offer steam baths for cleansing during the dieta.

Master Plant Dietas are shared since thousand of years to:

  • regain physical, emotional and psychological health
  • process and heal trauma
  • clearing up karmic topics
  • cleanse the physical body and the blood from toxins
  • clean the energy field
  • strengthen the body, the stamina, the mind and the intuition
  • opening the heart chakra to enable to experience and feel love
  • centre the mind and improve concentration
  • increase creativity
  • learn and studies of the Master Plants

Through the integration of the teachings and the wisdom of the plants, this can be the crucial changing point in your life to live truly from the heart in lifeĀ“s fullest potential.

You can choose between two different kindĀ“s of dieta. AĀ Healing DietaĀ or aĀ Learning Dieta. More information you will find in the text box below.


Healing Dieta

A healing diet supports the healing process of physical and mental illnesses and ailments, helps to overcomeĀ trauma and anxiety, as well as to treat addictions such as alcohol and drug addiction.

A healing dieta always includes learning and in a learning dieta one always experiences healing.
Nevertheless, you may decide where your main intention lies.
Inkanima will support and guide you in your dieta and your process with open hearts.

Learning Dieta

A Learning Dieta is a deeper dive into the path of plants and healing work with Master Plants, working with the sacred tobacco Mapacho and energy work. You can also concentrate on your creativity and spiritual growth in a learning diet.

In a learning dieta one always experiences healing and aĀ healing dieta always includes learning.
Nevertheless, you may decide where your intention lies.
Inkanima will support and guide you in your dieta and your process with open hearts.

The Team

The dieta will be held and guided by the Shipibo Maesto Inkanima. Beside Inkanima, the curanderos Sanken Tsoma and Metsa Yaka will support you with open hearts in every aspect that is needed.


Inkanima (Sergio) is a traditional healer of the Shipibo-Conibo tribe, living near Pucallpa in the Amazon rainforest of Peru. He is 38 years old and comes from a strong Shipibo lineage, the Inkanima-Lineage. Inkanima’s grandfather “Abuelo Inkanima” attained the highest level of mastership called Moraya, awakened master, immortal teacher, with high degree of wisdom and powers and he was also a very powerful healer (Onaya). He was one of the highest and most respected healer in Paoyhan, a Shipibo community in the Ucayali River. After Inkanima senior left his physical body, he transmitted his healing energy and his medicine name “Inkanima” to his grandson. His grandparents “Abuelo Inkanima” and “Abuela Ronin Wesna” still lead Inkanima and the lineage from the non-physical world. A lineage full of wisdom and unconditional love, like Inkanima. Sergio has been working regularly in Europe since 2016, which means he already has a lot of experience with European clients and the topics which Europen clients bring to his ceremonies.

Sanken Tsoma

Sanken Tsoma has been working intensively with sacred plant medicines in a shamanic approach for 11 years. While studying energy work and various master plants in Master Plant Dietas, he was initiated into this type of work by maestros of the Shipibo and Inca traditions and he is an initiate of the Inkanima lineage, a lineage of plant medicine curanderos of the Shipibo tradition.
His focus is on inner healing, personal and spiritual growth, expansion, and inner and outer transformation and he dedcated this life to be in service of humanity.

Sanken Tsoma is co-founder, along with Metsa Yaka, of the non-profit organization Visiones AsociaciĆ³n and the Spanish-based holistic healing center Cinco Lunas.

Metsa Yaka

With a strong intuition, Metsa Yaka is holding a space of presence, clarity, love & allowance. She supports people to become present, to reconnect to themselves and their intuiton.

As a translator for the Horse, Animal and Plant World she has a deeper understanding for our teachings we receive and the holistic picture.

Metsa Yaka is Founder of Medicina Feminina, Rao Caballo and Co-Founder of the non-profit organisation Visiones and the retreat center for holistic healing Cinco Lunas.

Sabina – Organization

Sabina is a free spirit and she feels at home in the world, in nature and with the animals.

She is looking forward to cook for us during the retreat and to assist you with any organizational matters, both before and after.

The Venue
The retreat will be held at a magical venue in the area of the Sierra de Grazalema, which is located between Seville, MƔlaga and Jerez de la Frontera. This magical hidden oasis with its charming, playful Andalusian country house and the lush green garden amidst the Andalusian dry vegetation is located on a fresh river and surrounded by babbling water canals.
In the lovingly designed and furnished house you will be accommodated in a single apartment, iin one of the two single rooms or in a glamping bell tent, The nightly ceremonies will take place in our ceremony dome.
We are still in the process of preparing the location, so the rooms will look a little different than in the current pictures and the dome is not there yet, but will be set up for in April. The photo of the dome on this page is an example photo.
Accommodation options

(all accommodation options are single occupancy)

Your sleeping options with different price categories (prices below):

  • 1 Apartmet with 1,50 m bed, private bathroom and little kitchen
  • 1 Single Room with 1,50 m bed and private bathroom
  • 1 Single Room with 1,50 m bed and shared bathroom
  • 2 Glamping Bell Tents (4 meter) with mattress and outdoor bathroom


Price 11 Day Dieta (15-Day Retreat incl. 4 Ceremonies):

For accommodation you can choose between 3 different room options and 2 glamping bell tents.
Each sleeping option is a single accommodation.

Retreat Price:
ā‚¬ Ā  2190,- Ā 
Ā Ā 15 day retreat (without room & food)

Plus accommodation and food:

  • +Ā ā‚¬ Ā  900,-Ā  Ā  Ā food and accommodation in a Bell Tent (2 available) with outdoor bathroom
  • +Ā ā‚¬ 1200,-Ā  Ā food and accommodation in the Standard Single Room with shared bathroom
  • +Ā ā‚¬ 1350,-Ā  Ā food and accommodation in the “En Suite” Single Room with private en suite bathroom
  • + ā‚¬ 1600,-Ā  Ā food and accommodation in the private Apartment with own bathrom, living room and little kitchen

Price 1 Month Dieta (29-Day Retreat incl. 8 Ceremonies):

For accommodation you can choose between 3 different room options and 2 glamping bell tents.
Each sleeping option is a single accommodation.

Retreat Price:
ā‚¬ Ā  3480,- Ā 
Ā Ā 29 day retreat (without room & food)

Plus accommodation and food:

  • +Ā ā‚¬ Ā 1510,-Ā  Ā  Ā food and accommodation in a Bell Tent (2 available)
  • +Ā ā‚¬ 2210,-Ā  Ā food and accommodation in the Standard Single Room with shared bathroom
  • +Ā ā‚¬ 2510,-Ā  Ā food and accommodation in the “En Suite” Single Room with private en suite bathroom
  • + ā‚¬ 2910,-Ā  Ā food and accommodation in the private Apartment with own bathrom, living room and little kitchen

The venueĀ prices are per person and including vegan diet food.
It is not possible to book just the Master Plant Dieta without accommodation & food.

After your registration, a deposit per bank transfer is required to confirm your place in the retreat.
The depoit for the 11 Day Dieta is ā‚¬ 600,-.
The deposit for the 1 Month Dieta is ā‚¬ 1000,-.
More payment information can be found on our registration form by clicking the Sign Up button below.

Accommodation info:
The Bell Tents are located on the property’s grounds, presumably in the shade next to a river.
The Standart Room and the En Suite Single Room are located in the main house.
The Private Apartment is the most spacious accommodation with a sleeping room, a living room with kitchen and a private bathroom and it is located in the annex and has a private view-free terrace..



  • Seville (110 km / 1 h 20 min by car)
  • Jerez de la Frontera (90 km / 1 h 10 min by car)
  • MĆ”laga (140 km / 1 h 50 min by car)


From the city of your arrival you can take a bus to Algodonales, where we will pick you up and bring you to our retreat place. The pickup from Algodonales is included.
Note that buses from Seville, MƔlaga and Jerez sometimes are only available in the morning or noon. If your flight arrives later in the day it might be that you need to take a taxi. Alternatively, you could arrive in Seville (or MƔlaga/Jerez) a day earlier and spend one night there.

  • From Seville Airport you need to take a bus or a taxi to the Seville Prado San Sebastian bus station or the bus station Plaza de Armas. From there you have a bus connection to Algodonales. Ā (usually only one bus in the morning at 9 am)
  • From Jerez de la Frontera Airport you need to take a bus or a taxi to the Jerez main bus station. And from there you have a bus connection to Algodonales.
  • From MĆ”laga airport you need to take a bus or a taxi to MĆ”laga bus station. And from there you have to check the bus connection to Algodonales. You may first have to drive from MĆ”laga to Ronda and from there to Algodonales.

You can check your bus conecton here: or here:
(please note bus connections are sometimes only shown 2 weeks in advance)


The price of a taxi from Seville airport or Jerez airport to Cinco Lunas is approximately ā‚¬ 120,-. From MĆ”laga it might be a little more expensive.
If several participants arrive at the same airport, it is possible to share a taxi. Please let us know if this would be an interesting option for you, then we can connect participants who are interested in sharing a taxi ride.

Rental car:

You can also rent a car at the airport for more flexibility. The prices for rental cars are usually very affordable if you book early in advance.
You can find the best offers here, for example:

Booking Options

11 Day Dieta
May 27 till June 10 /// June 10 till June 24

- 11 Day Dieta -

Glamping Bell Tent

(with single occupancy)

15 Day Retreat
May 27 till June 10, 2024
ā€“ not available anymore ā€“
or June 10 till June 24, 2024
– not available anymore –

incl. accommodation in a:
(with outdoor bathroom)

- 11 Day Dieta -

Standard Single Room

(with shared bathroom)

15 Day Retreat
May 27 till June 10, 2024
ā€“ not available anymore ā€“
or June 10 till June 24, 2024
– not available anymore –

incl. accommodation in a:
Standard Single Room
(with shared bathroom)

- 11 Day Dieta -

Private Apartment

(with private bathroom)

15 Day Retreat
May 27 till June 10, 2024
ā€“ not available anymore ā€“
or June 10 till June 24, 2024
– not available anymore –

incl. accommodation in a:
Private ApartmentĀ 
(with private bathroom & kitchen)

- 11 Day Dieta -

En Suite Single Room

(with private bathroom)

15 Day Retreat
May 27 till June 10, 2024
ā€“ not available anymore ā€“
or June 10 till June 24, 2024
– not available anymore –

incl. accommodation in a:
“En Suite” Single RoomĀ 
(with private en suite bathroom)

1 Month Dieta
May 27 till June 24

- 1 Month Dieta -

Glamping Bell Tent

(with single occupancy)

29 Day Retreat
May 27 till June 24, 2024
– not available anymore –

incl. accommodation in a:
(with outdoor bathroom)

- 1 Month Dieta -

Standard Single Room

(with shared bathroom)

29 Day Retreat
May 27 till June 24, 2024
– not available anymore –

incl. accommodation in a:
Single Room
(with shared bathroom)

- 1 Month Dieta -

Private Apartment

(with private bathroom)

29 Day Retreat
May 27 till June 24, 2024
– not available anymore –

incl. accommodation in a:
Private ApartmentĀ 
(with private bathroom & kitchen)

- 1 Month Dieta -

En Suite Single Room

(with private bathroom)

29 Day Retreat
May 27 till June 24, 2024
– not available anymore –

incl. accommodation in a:
Single RoomĀ 
(with own bathroom):

Sign in

To sign in for the Master Plant Dieta please use the Sign in button:
Inkanima – Icaro to connect with the Plants
(Dieta Spain 2023)

* Film by Roman Zindel

Research Study Information

All our retreats and ceremonies serve as research studies in order to explore and evaluate the effect of the used plants and practices as holistic healing techniques.
After the retreat we will ask you to complete an anonymous questionnaire to describe the effects of the retreat on your health and daily life.

Our aim is to support the holistic healing of body mind and soul with alternative practices, to promote a balance in life and to support an alternative healthy lifestyle that is in harmony with our nature.
As well we support with our research studies indigenous projects.

Our retreats, ceremonies and individual treatmentsĀ do not replace any medical treatment.

To participate in our retreats / research studies, it is necessary to become a member of our association.
For this we also offer a free short-term membership. You can select your membership type later in the registration form.

Inkanima European Summer Tour 2024

This retreat is part of our Inkanima Summer Tour 2024.
Go back to our tour page to see all retreats.