
Activate your inner Goddess Workshop

– Cacao & Breatwork Ceremony –

Mering (Area Augsburg/Munich), Berlin & Troisdorf (Area Cologne) – June 2021

You wonderful woman, I would like to invite you to a truly feminine workshop.

In a conscious, lovingly held space, we will deeply connect with ourselves. All your topics, all emotions, EVERYTHING is welcome! We will welcome especially the uncomfortable with an open heart and in the most feminine way, we give everything that is ready into transformation.
Experience yourself anew in the powerful mirror of the other women and immerse yourself deeply in your own femininity, wisdom and clarity.
Because everything is already in you!
Let your creativity be inspired by the heart-opening medicine of Cacao, let yourself be kissed with new impulses and let your breath carry you into your process.

Live your life in full authenticity and celebrate yourself as the Goddess who you are!

Listen to yourself and if you receive a resounding YES, please please use the contact form below and send me an email.
And of course as well, if you have any further questions.

Now is your time to shine!

I´m looking forward to welcome you…    Metsa Yaka

Cacao & Breathwork Ceremony

Cacao ceremonies are originated all the way back to Mayan and Aztec traditions in Central and South America. The spirit of Cacao was used for spiritual, medicinal and ceremonial purposes, inner awakening and creative guidance. The heart opening medicine can unlock euphoric states, release emotions and enabels you to connect to our higher self, our wisdom within, the loving energy in our body and will also silence the mind. Cacao has been used for centuries to heal the mental, physical and spiritual body.

Through deep, circulating breathing, we increase the oxygen supply in the brain and in the entire bloodstream. The neural network is stimulated and more hormones are released. Among other things, anandamides, also known as the “bliss hormone”. From the state of connectedness, emotions, stress and anxiety can be released, our own awareness and creativity are increased and we come into a feeling of inner peace, love and compassion. Deeper truths can show up.

“Our breathing is the direct connection to pure consciousness.”

Workshop Content

Self Love Healing Practice
Dynamic Meditation
Aphrodite Ritual
Inner Goddess Activation
Cacao & Breathwork Ceremony
in Mering with Aroma Yoga by Natascha Schelle / in Berlin with Kundalini Yoga by Taj Devjoti Kaur

Workbook & Preparation

You will receive in advance a email with a introduction to Intuitve Connected Breathing, recommandations for your preparation and your personal Reconnect workbook, that you please bring with you to the workshop.

Please come in clothes you feel comfortable in and if you like bring an item with you that is a symbol for your femininity.

About Metsa Yaka

For me as a passionate inquiry work practitioner, coming from the shamanic approach through the work with Ayahuasca and various Master Plants, as well from the work with the Horse Medicine, the intention is always, to get to the source of things to really transform in order to grow.
My work is not based on a technique, I let myself be guided and follow my intuition what is needed in the moment.


Mering (Area Augsburg)

Date:      Wednesday – 02/06/2021

Venue:    Nandi-Yoga
                Zettlerstrasse 36
                86415 Mering (Germany)

Start:      5pm

End:        approximately 11pm

Berlin (OT Köpenick)

Date:      Sunday – 06/06/2021

Venue:   Müggelspreeweg 15b
               12589 Berlin Köpenick

Start:      5pm

End:        approximately 11pm

Troisdorf (Area Cologne)

Date:      Friday – 11/06/2021

Venue:   Miriya Studio
                Lindlaustrasse 2a
                53842 Troisdorf (Germany)

Start:      5pm

End:        approximately 11pm

Your Self Investment

You can choose the price which feels right and is possible for you….

Your Self Investment

If you can´t afford it at the moment

If it is easy for you and you want to support another Goddess

If the financial aspect is a obstacle for, please feel free to contact me. We will find a way.

Reserve your Place
To book the “Activate your inner Goddess Workshop” please use the contact form to send me an email or send your email to
Please register latest two days before the workshop to receive the workbook and your preparation recommendations.

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