Holistic Shamanic Healing Session
– for your Animal & for You –
as Online Sessions or in Presence
by Metsa Yaka

This session is about supporting your Animal in finding its natural Balance again.
An imbalance can be caused, for example, by an already manifested illness or physical symptoms, energetic blockages, emotional issues or even energetic transfers from the owner.
That’s why it’s important to look at the holistic picture in order to identify and solve the cause and the related issues.
For us, every “problem” is an opportunity for transformation, growth and deeper understanding.
Every physical problem has its origins on a subtle, energetic level.
It is up to us to listen to what the soul wants to tell us.
I support you and your animal in recognizing and solving your issue together, growing from it and thereby deepening your relationship.
The Session includes (online as in presence):
- A preliminary meeting via Zoom – You tell me your Animal’s symptoms and on what you want to work – approx. 30 minutes
- The treatment of your Animal takes place without Zoom and takes approx. 1 – 1.5 hours.
Follow-up meeting via Zoom – I share with you information and messages that your animal has shown and provide you with tips for implementation and your further path – for approx. 30 minutes
For a distant treatment I may need a photo of your animal.
Elements of my work are:
- Shamanic Energy Release & Healing
- Chakra Balancing
- Reiki
- Holistic Animal Communication
More detailed information you can find below.
Our animals have a strong energetic bond with us.
They mirror our own issues and take on many of them, which can help us to dive deeper, heal and grow within our own processes.
I´m looking forward to meeting your companion and you!
If you would like to receive further support in this context in order to dive deeper into your own topics and work with them, you also have the option of booking a 1:1 Sacred Space Session for yourself additionally.
The Elements of my Work:
Shamanic Energy Release & Healing
- Shamanic Emotional Release Massage
All of the emotions and trauma are stored in the cells of the physical body and can block the energies to flow freely. With this type of shamanic massage a wide variety of topics can be worked on, can become healed and the energy system ce be re-balanced. - Mapacho Cleansing (from the Shipibo-Conibo tradition)
Cleansing of the energy field and the body through the powerful Spirit of the sacred Mapacho Tobacco. The Tobacco is blown with a special pipe into the Klient´s energy field and onto the body.
Mapacho Tobacco is a very important Master Plant with strong cleansing, clarifying, healing and protection abilities in various indigenous tribes of South America.
The Mapacho Cleansing is only used on the Animal in Distant Session and can be otherwise be replaced by Palo Santo. - Icaro Healing Chants (from the Shipibo-Conibo tradition)
Through healing chants, sung in Shipibo language, energies are channeled from different Master Plants that work in the client´s energy system. These Icaros have a purifying and healing effect on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. Shipibo Icaros are an old and high developed technology, which works deep within the energy system.
These different shamanic techniques and tools are implied according to individual needs.
Chakra Balancing
The Chakras can be seen as vital portals between mind and soul. The Chakras are the subtle energy centers of the body and are divided into the 7 main chakras, along the spine and the secondary Chakras.
You can imagine them as rotating energy vertebrae in the body
If a Chakra is blocked, energetically undercharged or overloaded, this affects the entire energy system and well-being and can lead to physical, emotional and spiritual problems.
Chakra Balancing is a form of energy work that helps balance the chakras and release blockages, so that the energies can flow freely again.
Reiki Usui
Reiki describes the Universal Life Energy. It is present in everything and everyone and is always available.
By channeling Reiki by means of touch combined with the various Reiki symbols, the self-healing powers and natural healing process of the body becomes activated, blockages will be released and the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being will be restored.
Holistic Animal Communication
Animal Communication refers to Telepathic Communication with Animals on a soul level.
This mental exchange of information can be perceived through all senses, so that in addition to receiving information, feelings, physical sensations and even smells and tastes can also be transmitted.
Including our Animal’s soul can help us get a deeper understanding of the holistic picture.
Your Investment
Holistic Shamanic Healing Session
Zoom Meeting in advance
Treatment of your Animal
Follow up Zoom Meeting
About Metsa Yaka
With a strong intuition, Metsa Yaka is holding a space of presence, clarity, love & allowance supporting people to find their way into reconnection. As a translator for the Horse, Animal and Plant World she stands for a deeper understanding for our teachings we receive.

Individual Healing Session for Women & Distant Healing Sessions
by Metsa Yaka
In this Individual Shamanic Healing Session for Women, we are going to meet in an safe and protected space. By the intuitive use of different shamanic energies and tools your physical as well as your energetical body and your energy field will be cleaned, your mind get straightened to enable you to connect deeper with your inner truth, strenght and wisdom.
You will find yourself in an conscious, loving space, where healing and transformation can take place.
A little more about…
- Mapacho Cleansing (from the Shipibo-Conibo tradition) – purification of body, mind, energy field and spirit with Mapacho tobacco.
The strong and very purifiying Mapacho spirit has beautiful clearing and healing abilities and connects to other healing plants. - Rapé Ceremony (from the indigenous tradition of different brazilian tribes)
Rapé is a powdered mixture made from finely grounded Mapacho tobacco and parts or ash from various medicinal plant from the Brazilian Amazon. It has been produced and shared for centuries by indigenous tribes, such as the Huni Kuin, Yawanawa, Kaxinawá, Katukina, Nukini, etc. The Rapé is blown into the nose with a bamboo tube (Tepi). It cleans physically & energetically, centers the mind, clears the consciousness and cleans the pineal gland. Rapé is very good to focus and to maintain better concentration in meditation.
You will be supported and guided by Metsa Yaka (for more informations please click on the name), initiated in the Inkanima lineage by Shipibo Maestro Inkanima from the Peruvian Amazon.
Self investment:
€ 80,- 90 min session
The sessions taking place in Andalusia/Spain and as distant healing session.